THREE people have been ordained as Deacons to serve in Dudley parishes.

Rachel Homer will serve in the Halas Team, Val Houghton will serve in the benefice of Brierley Hill and Norman Jevons will serve in the benefice of Darby End and Netherton and the benefice of Dudley Wood and Cradley Heath.

All three were ordained by the Bishop of Dudley, Martin Gorick, in services on September 24 led by the Bishop of Worcester - Dr John Inge.

The trio have been part of a new training pathway aimed at those who see their vocation as being voluntary ministers to local churches.

They are currently starting their second year of the two-year scheme and will continue training while working as a curate.

Bishop John said: “Those ordained, who have worked very hard in preparation, will be a great blessing to the church and to the world and I pray for God’s rich blessing on their future ministry.”