RESIDENTS in Sedgley may see a different vehicle doing the rounds on Monday August 14 as Dudley Council trials a new upcycled electric vehicle for waste collection.

The authority is trialling a new electric refuse vehicle for one day, to test the vehicle’s capabilities and its suitability for refuse collections.

The vehicle is a previous diesel vehicle which has been upcycled to run on electricity, and the pilot is part of the authority’s commitment to invest in renewable energy.

Residents in the Sedgley area, in particular around Northway and Gospel End, will see the trial vehicle on the streets on August 14.

In order to fully assess the vehicle’s capabilities, it will undertake back-to-back collections, so some residents may see their bins being collected into the late afternoon or early evening rather than a typical morning collection.

Residents are asked to leave their bins kerbside on Monday as collection times will be later than normal.

Councillor Damian Corfield, Dudley Council's cabinet member for highways and environmental services, said: "This is an exciting new concept and this trial could pave the way for the eventual electrification of our fleet.

"We are looking to be the front runners to pilot upcycling of current diesel fleet with a view to full EV in the future. This will play a major part in reaching our goal of being carbon neutral by 2030."

Councillor Dr Rob Clinton, cabinet member for climate change, added: "I look forward to hearing the feedback and recommendations that come out of this trial and hope it can help us move towards further cutting our own carbon emissions."