Christ is Risen. Alleluia! I wish you and your family every blessing at this Easter time.

On Good Friday Christians remember the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate his victory over death. On that third day after he was killed, the risen Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, then to his twelve disciples, and then to hundreds of others. As Christians we believe the risen Jesus is with us still through the Holy Spirit within each one of us and at the heart of the church and of the world. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

But we live in a deeply broken world. Climate change is happening. Covid is real. Refugees have long fled from wars across the globe, from Syria to Afghanistan, from Somalia to Yemen. And now Ukraine, here in Europe, as millions of women, children and old people are forced to leave their land and their home.

I connect with several hundred church communities across Dudley and Worcestershire, and people are opening their hearts and their homes to those in need. They are being generous, even though prices are going up, even though all of us are facing rising costs for food and fuel, still people are reaching out to help those in need.

This is the true spirit of Easter. As Jesus was dying on the cross, he spoke to his mother and his disciple John. He asked Mary to take John as a son, and John to take Mary into his own home as if she were his own mother. Jesus did not forget those who would be left behind, and nor should we.

In the end, Easter reminds us that Love is stronger than hate. Love is stronger than death. In the end, Love wins!

Alleluia. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!